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Why Janastu
Posted by: Janastu
Updated: 2004-08-17 23:33:35
Category: PANTOTO > Organizations > Janastu > Others (Janastu)

Non government organizations (NGOs) working with underserved communities use information as a tool for empowerment and capacity building. As a result NGOs are constantly creating, capturing, analyzing, organizing and disseminating information. The resources that an NGO allocates to this are relatively large.

Technology has demonstrated ways to gather and disseminate information. It has, however, remained closed for NGOs because using technology has been expensive. Solutions that are available revolve around technology and not on the needs of the beneficiaries or the NGO.

Who can help manage information needs of a group of people who are not computer savvy? How can we provide solutions for people and organizations that do not have resources to develop custom solutions? Janastu is trying to answer these questions for organizations in the Social Development Sector.

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Others (Janastu)